dimanche 15 février 2015

The "Bush" Administration and 9/11 effect

Bush’s time in office was shaped by the September 11, 2001 attacks which destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon. Thereafter, it caused a drastic change in America’s foreign policy. In the aftermath of the attacks, The Bush Administration aimed at reshaping the world. In fact, it turned to a unilateralist, aggressive and arrogant agenda guided by the New Grand Strategy.

The Bush Administration : Pre-emptive force :

This strategy is founded as a response to terrorism, but with a broader view about the US in the international scene. It rather steps forward to hold a unilateral position and attack “terrorist threats “. The war on terrorism was thus the fundamental cornerstone of G.W Bush’s administration. This administration fervently called for an American unilateral and pre- emptive use of force. Therefore, the US new role is of setting the rules, using force to determine the threats and meet out justice.
 The Bush Doctrine basically revolves around the US relying on unilateral power to achieve its aims in foreign affairs, on using pre-emptive force rather than negotiation in order to contain the threat of mass destruction weapons. Ultimately, this doctrine pays prior attention to promote market oriented democracies as a means of fighting terrorism.

The New Grand Strategy:
Advanced as a response to terrorism, this strategy builds the assumption that the US should exercise power and organize world order. The US steps forward to play a more unilateral role in containing & attacking terrorists.
The New Grand Strategy has five premises. To start with, it was to maintain a unipolar world in which the US is the hegemonic power. Moreover, the US should leave no room for errors in order to sustain a strong anti- terrorist’s system. It is also based on the pre- emptive and even preventive force to shrink the terrorist threats. According to this strategy, The US should have to intervene whenever possible. Eventually, The US should operate in the world in its own terms.

the Project for the New American century :
According to PNAC, the US should chiefly increase military presence and the use of force around the world. Keeping with this plan, Bush distinguished two blocs declaring countries either as cooperative or adversarial. the White House also removed the International Law as a restraint. This plan was asserting America’s hegemony all over the world due to a permanent military presence. Its main goal was to ensure the supremacy of American global capitalism by preventing any possible superpower.
September the 11th was a turning point in America’s history for it created a new enemy justifying the continuation of a growing military budget & an emphasis on national security.

A critique of Bush administration Grand Strategy :

It was characterised by an uncontrolled power which would create a more hostile international system. The pre-emptive action doctrine creates a serious problem that other countries would adopt the same doctrine as the US. This administration tended to magnify the threat of terror through its arrogant policies. Eventually; the Neo – imperial grand strategy created the problem of keeping America a polarized power which would trap her in the self – encirclement problem.

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